Friday, March 30, 2007

More school stuff

There's a difference in times between the schools too. Rideau goes 9-3:30 and L'ecole cc goes 8:30-2:30.
I think you are right Dawna, I am leaning toward Rideau, Myron is more for l'ecole cc. I'm hoping to talk to my neighbours about it soon as their kids go to l'ecole but the dad has taught at rideau so might have a unique perspective.
James was really upset when he realized he'd be riding the bus alone and stuff. I explained that when we visited all the other mom's and dad's weren't there and the kids were doing ok. I gave him a lot to think about. He seems ok now. I think I'll be worse than him when the time comes.

I had a panic attack a couple of days ago but did manage to pull out of it pretty quick. It's been a while since I had one.

Myron bought some new computer equip today, so I need to boot myself off now so he can use it!

Thursday, March 29, 2007


I don't expect this post to be terribly coherent as my brain doesn't seem to be up for work which is why I'm here. I noticed that I spelled chaos wrong yesterday. My head hurts a lot today.

I read a news story about some violence that had occured in an apt. building and there was a comment from someone whose father lives in the building that said "I was surprised something like this would happen here because there are a lot of good people in this building,". The number of good doesn't really matter though does it? Just one bad one will do it. A little yeast leavens the whole bread.

My brain is going over kindergarten stuff. I don't think there is a 'wrong' answer to which one to send James to. They are both good schools. Here are my thoughts on both. I'm hoping writing them down will help me sort things out. Any feedback would be great. Especially from Marlene, as she went to one of the schools.

Rideau P.S.
-3 kindergarten classrooms - they are smallish rooms but with a community feel to them. the kindergartens and grade 1s seem to have their own play area for recess and it looks well supervised and safe
-lots of young people seemed to be aiding (maybe they were placement students?)
-they have before/after care which could help depending on my class schedule
-this is within walking distance from our home (1/2 hour with James) and from Queen's (though he would probably be able to get on a bus route as well)
-their french immersion goes to gr.6 but the school goes to gr.8
-the principal is very organized and insists that manners be used at all times
-the school has nice high ceilings and big windows for a light effect
-has a library and lots of resources
-500 students total

Marlene's school
-I loved the kindergarten classroom. It is very large with lots of different centers.
-the school itself seemed packed to overflowing with lots of things in the halls because they wouldn't fit in the lockers. the lockers looked like they had seen better days.
-he would have to take a bus, but our next door neighbours go to the same school so they could help him on the bus.
-their french immersion goes to gr. 8
-the principal jamie was great. very laid back with the kids.
-300 students

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Peace in the midst of choas

My dreams have been having this theme of having peace in the midst of chaos. In the last few weeks, I had some incidents at work and was able to keep my peace but last night was really crazy with my not being able to sleep, I did not have peace. And now I am so tired but yet I'm also afraid to go to bed because I'm scared of another night like last night.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Saying goodbye

I really hate saying goodbye. This week of term is my last week with my class, which should make me happy, but I actually liked most of this class and am going to miss them, so it makes me sad. Before they were about to leave, I went down to my office and let the TAs dismiss them. I couldn't do it. Not that they noticed or anything. I go to my office pretty often during the class (as they spend a lot of the time working on their own and the TAs are there to help them) but this time it was deliberate so I wouldn't have to say goodbye.

Monday, March 26, 2007

James' view

We were talking about dogs dying and he said this "When we get to heaven we will be bigger (stretch action) than dogs because they just crawl on the ground" (God did make humans special- interesting how he sees it)

We were looking at his baby pictures and he asked me how babies came to be "Does God put the baby in Mom's stomach?" Isaiah 44:2 would agree, so I did too.

He also prays for Iraq and Afghanistan a lot.

In the middle of the service yesterday, he sat straight up and asked me where Sandy was. As Sandy hasn't been at the Church for many months, I explained that to him. Funny how it took that long for it to sink in that she was gone. I don't think we'll be putting him in charge of the Care ministry anytime soon!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Deception in the teen years

This is a not-so-flattering story that I still remember with a grimace from my high school years.

In Grade 10 a girl named Angel lived in our neighbourhood and she took the same bus as myself and a couple of my friends. We went to LS, while she was at our 'sister school' WCS. It was EXACTLY the same school layout, just in another location. Funny. Anyway, I can't remember how it started but I think one of the boys in the class was writing Angel and we were taking the notes to her. It was all in fun. But then somehow we told his friend Mark that Angel had a friend that he could write to. But it was a lie. We made up a name and all of us were in on it, except Mark. So Mark would write the letters and I would write back, pretending to be this fictional girl we made up. And this went on for quite some time. And I wasn't continuing the farce out of cruelty, but I really did like Mark. Anyway, at the end of the year, we told him (I can't remember how)and he was FURIOUS. I have to say, I didn't really expect that reaction. I thought when he found out it was me, he would kind of laugh it off and then we could be friends again, or whatever.
But he was so mad, I don't think he talked to me for years. He may still not be talking to me, for all I know.
I can see it from his perspective now. That we made a fool out of him. That if one part is a lie, what is the truth. And I never got to explain what was truth and what was a lie because he was so mad. He had to assume it was all a lie.

So, I guess the moral is, to build your life on truth, so the rug doesn't get pulled out from under you by your own lies!
And I know I brought it all on myself, but I still have problems being 'real' to people because I think if they find out who I really am, they'll reject me.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Hum Tum

I watched 'Hum Tum' a few nights ago. Thankfully, the subtitles were better than KHNH (those were a disaster). And it was a fun movie mostly, but didn't really hold a candle to the depth of KHNH. There are a number of similarities. In KHNH the same actor who plays the-guy-who-gets-the-girl-when-the-guy-the-girl-really-likes is dying plays the the-guy-who-gets-the-girl-when-the-guy-the-girl-really-likes has died. But while KHNH is mainly about sacrificial love, Hum Tum is about maturity and how guys and girls really don't understand each other. The songs and dances (as required for being a Bollywood movie) weren't as good as KHNH. So overall, I'd take KHNH even with all the wacky subtitling!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

What controls you?

I'm still enjoying the music of KHNH (post below) thanks to You Tube. I hope I can watch it(the movie KHNH) with my parents, but I might not due to the probability that I would bawl my eyes out again. It's a pretty powerful movie, even with crazy subtitles. And if I cry the first time, I still cry the second time. It just doesn't wear off for me.

Last night I was reading Romans 8

5Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. 6The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace; 7the sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to God's law, nor can it do so. 8Those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God.

9You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ. 10But if Christ is in you, your body is dead because of sin, yet your spirit is alive because of righteousness. 11And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit, who lives in you.

Sounds like the mind is a real battlefield. vs. 9 is whereI landed for a while. If I am not controlled by the sinful nature anymore, why does it feel like I still am? Where I desire to 100% think prayerful, peaceful thoughts and I do think and pray a lot, I also still think selfish thoughts a lot. But if the Spirit of God lives in me, why do I not think 100% like the spirit of God? I guess it's a process of maturity. But the selfishness glares at me and I'm not proud of it.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Kal Ho Naa Ho

I watched 'Kal Ho Naa Ho' last night. It's a 3 hour Bollywood film with subtitles that are just wacky, but with a beautiful sad story interspersed with Bollywood singing and dancing. It was funny but it also made me cry my eyeballs out.
I think the main theme of the movie was sacrificial love.

It start out as an ordinary movie- boy meets girl, boy and girl fall in love. But the boy (A.) has a heart condition that he doesn't want the girl to find out about so he tells the girl he's married and tries to make her fall in love with another guy. One line is about to be married you not only need love, but you need strength.

Another example of sacrificial love was that one of the fathers (and there is a LOT of family in this movie) had an affair which produced a child and the wife took that child in because the affair-woman(biological mother) did not want to care for it. But they never told anyone (though obviously, it comes out in the movie)

It was a very interesting movie. We only aquired it with help of Myron's Indian colleague who got it in TO. Not much in the way of Bollywood here. I'm taking it to St. C for Easter but if anyone round here wants to borrow it, let me know. It really is worth it, even with crazy subtitles! The music is beautiful and funny as well.

I found out about this movie from these clips to a James Blunt song on you tube Because I am going through a James Blunt phase. The James Blunt song is not in the movie. James Blunt is no Bollywood singer! So you don't get a good feel for the music from the clip, but a bit of the movie.

Saturday, March 03, 2007


At night, James reads "Devotions for Preschoolers" by Crystal Bowman. Yesterday's was helpful for me even if I may not have been the intended audience!

It takes time

(exerpt)It takes many years to grow up. The important thing is to be happy that you are just who God wants you to be right now. God will help you to learn and grow each day.

Ecclesiastes 3:11 God has made everything beautiful in it's time

Remind me, God, and help me know-
It takes many years to learn and grow.

Family tree

Kim's mom has been through a lot. She lost her first husband to cancer about 10 years ago. Then she married George. George was the father of her sister's husband. I think that would be weird. So he was older, but they thought they would still have quite a few years together. But at the 10 year anniversary of her first husband's diagnosis, George was diagnosed with exactly the same thing. And he died about a year ago now. Kim's pretty worried about her mom, because she's been through all of this, plus she's always been pretty reclusive. Luckily, in the last year, both of Kim's sisters have had babies and that keeps Kim's mom busy.